Sponsors of The Little Shaman podcasts include:
Earth Mama’s Apothecary Offering quality CBD oil and natural wellness for everyday living. Solutions as natural as you are.
The Spirit Center Institute Teaching in a learning center format, promoting and focusing on healing for the mind, body & spirit.
BetterHelp.com Provides online therapy and counseling to individuals, couples and teens at an affordable rate, including video sessions. BetterHelp counselors provide general therapy and counseling, as well as help for specific issues such as stress, anxiety, relationships, parenting, depression, addictions, eating and sleeping issues, trauma, anger, family conflicts, LGBT matters, grief, religion, self esteem and more. Services are generally not covered by insurance, but they offer financial assistance for those who qualify. As with many other counseling services, BetterHelp is not for those who are in crisis or who have been diagnosed with severe mental illness, and counselors at BetterHelp cannot prescribe medication. If you are in crisis or think you may hurt yourself, please call 911 or the emergency number in your country for help. You can use this link to get 10% off if you are interested in seeing how BetterHelp works for you.